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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth Otieno

Life vs University: It's like crossing the road, only to get hit by a plane.

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

Everyone feels the need to give you advice on how to survive university the very first time you leave home. It’s always the same information, ‘stay away from bad crowds, don’t drink when you have a class the following day, make friends with the lecturers’. It’s like they all went to the same school of thought. They give themselves a pat on the back, for their ‘stellar advice’ that they have shone upon you. Like they were Dr Phil and you were some lost hopeless child who had been surviving the past 18 years on dumb luck.

However, no one tells you about the actual hell you will face in unexpected places. They tend to leave that part out, but I tend to think it’s because they never figured out how to handle such situations. Humans, the prideful creatures that we are, don’t easily admit failure or defeat. We sweep it under the rag, like we do with our problems, addictions and global warming.

When it’s my turn to give advice, I’m going to say the things I wish I had been told. ‘Procrastination is going to become your toxic best friend, good sleep will become a distant memory. No one forces you to drink or smoke, they are educated relaxed people not politicians. Some days you’ll feel too emotionally and mentally drained to go on, but don’t worry everyone feels that way. Choose your stress coping mechanism: friends, memes, memes, alcohol, sports and if you are daring, pick them all. You will nearly always be broke, feel educationally stupid or stressed out about pending overloading assignments but don’t worry, your parents are proud of you.

So take a breather. That stress won’t last forever.

University is weird that way.

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