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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth Otieno

Meme Marketing : Ad's with personality

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

Memes have surprisingly become an indispensable part of our online communication. We scroll through our feeds hoping to come across one or two funny posts to make us laugh and share them with our peers.Even though you might not be familiar with the term ‘meme’, you definitely have come across a number today alone.

A considerable number of brand executives have been impressed by its significant impact on internet culture. So much so that they have acknowledged its potential as a notable marketing tool.

In 1976 in his book ‘The Selfish Gene’, Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, conceived the term ‘meme’ to describe a cultural idea that disseminates and mushrooms in popularity. From it we coined the term ‘going viral’ to mean to become extremely viral online.

Brands that have adapted to the use of meme marketing, have realized how much of a killjoy it is to come across a sponsored advertisement on your humour and great aesthetic filled social media feed.

Thus, brands must properly tailor their messages specifically for social media. So that they can still express their organization's culture, however in a new light.

Gucci, the multi-billion Italian fashion brand, took to social media with their meme that went viral instantly. By incorporating an already popular meme format, Arthur fist, the company showed their ‘humour and human side’.

Grammy award rapper, Lil Nas X and his team used memes to get his song at the top of nearly every chart.

In Kenya, two brands are dubbed the Lords of Humour and memes: Safaricom and KCB.

Safaricom’s famous ‘ER’, hilariously and sarcastically responds to customers on the social platforms, Facebook most notably.

Their respondent has trended numerous times and thus increases the company’s online presence tremendously.

KCB has done the same and even jump started one of Kenyan's most popular phrases ‘Bora Uhai’.

However, a word of caution. Never sacrifice your brand’s culture and personality to create a trending meme. Your brand’s name comes face.

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