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  • Writer's picturenjerisharon


Valentine’s is coming,where is your client?This is a question asked by pr practitioner as the world celebrates this day of love.As you make efforts to make your special one feel special by bombarding them with flowers,chocolate and date to fancy restaurants,it is important not to forget that you have a responsibility to make your clients feel special too.How do you tell your clients you value them without any form of innuendos,thus maintaining a functioning professional relationship. 1.GIFTS

The same way you buy your loved one that pair of hermes boots they’ve been hinting about by saving it in the cartlist on amazon,you should do the same with your client.Like any other form of gift giving in any aspect of your life,the gifts should be thoughtful,and not over the top. Gift giving can go as far as giving a client a birthday present,or arrange a celebration after a golden deal.The point is to make feel special and welcome. 2.QUALITY TIME

Remember PR is all about building relationships and the best way to do that is to be personable,and avail your time for your clients. This can be done by organizing a dinner or a lunch outside the monotonous conference room.Instead of sending an email or leaving all communication with your personal assistant why not call and enquire about the well being,and how their family is fairing on? Spending time with a client shows that you care,and is also a basis to build long term relationships in both personal and professional aspects. 3.WORDS OF AFFIRMATION

It’s incredible how words from anybody,could be a stranger,or a friend or relative.Sometimes all you need is a few words to turn you from an insecure wreck to a confident person.That goes for clients too.They are dependent on you,and they get their confidence from you,their PRO. This does not mean you fill them with empty verbose praise,you should be genuine.Recognise your clients in person and also on social media.Like,and comment on the content they put out.This way they gain more confidence in what they do and get better while at it. 4.PHYSICAL TOUCH

No,I am not talking about a law-suit inducing type of physical touch.No,please do not give your clients that back rub no matter how much your wife enjoys them.We don’t do that here. It simply means that you should minimise on virtual interactions and maximise on physical ones.This obviously depends on the geographical distance of course.Where possible,pop in their office and grab a coffee with them,or arrange an impromptu lunch. Check in on your clients even if you do not have pending business at that particular moment.Attend events that could help your product or service,or just to hang out and to understand your client better.

Share the love with your clients!!

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