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  • Elle

Well that's a first! part2

We texted everyday after school about nothing in particular. Mind you I never told him who I was and he gave up wanting to know eventually. I began to like him more and more as the days went by. He admitted to liking me too even without knowing my identity. After a whole year of anonymity, I decided to come clean. I can’t remember if he was mad or not, but we grew even closer after that. I’m guessing it’s because I was what he was looking for to begin with.

We began what I would call ‘dating' then. I don’t think it would be called that right now. Which reminds me, guys, if you like someone, it is important to ask them out officially. Communicate; tell them what exactly you want from them. Make sure that both of you are on the same page. This way you don’t get invited to your girlfriend’s wedding, and not as the groom. Also, if you ask them out and get turned down, let it go. No means no guys. It’s not ati a secret yes. As they say, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Better grab a net bro.

The same applies to the ladies. I hear y’all have decided that what a man can do a woman can do better. Kudos to you if you’ve asked a guy out, proposed to them or even made a first move. Some of us would rather mop the sea than do that. It’s not that we’re proud or anything, (although some of us are) we just lack the confidence. So, ladies if a guy says no to you, just walk away head held high. You’re not ugly or undeserving as you might start to think. You’re beautiful, you deserve better, he was short and smelly anyway (and many other stories lol). Either way we move on regardless, don’t we?

So back to my story because I don’t think you need a ted talk on the matter (but hit me up if you do *wink*) We started dating. I think he did ask me to be his gurl and at that point I was really into him, so why not.

Two years into the beginning of high school, we hang out occasionally when we had the chance. Our taste in music was completely different. I’m not being mean when I say this, but he listened to trash. He knew and (still knows) that I hated his music, so I stand by what I said. His music was whack. Anyway, that didn’t matter because, well, we were in love.

Was he my first boyfriend? No, but that’s a story for another day. Stay tuned. It happened on one of our hang outs at his place. I was sitting on the couch and he was standing in front of me. We were just talking; I can’t remember about what exactly. There was music. He was holding a soda. Suddenly he stopped talking and looked at me. Then he bent down and kissed me.

No fireworks.

My first kiss and there were no fireworks.

I really should be banned from watching movies at this rate because my expectations are way too high. Plus, I might still be waiting for prince charming to come around looking for me with a glass shoe that fits. Because I’m Cinderella and I ran off from the ball at midnight with only one shoe. Yeah right. Chances of that happening are zero, especially because I’m a 20-year-old with baby feet so there’s no way prince charming would have a shoe that fits me. A glass shoe for that matter.

I remember covering my eyes after the kiss because I felt really shy. He just sat down next to me and we sat in silence for a while. All the while I was thinking, what the hell was that? I mean, isn’t there more to a first kiss than it just being wet? Lol. Maybe I was the problem because I’d never done that before, so I sucked at that. Or maybe he was because all he did was suck on my lips and there was no magic.

I have the strength to critic that kiss now because obviously I’ve grown from that and had better experiences. Also, because we talked about it and admitted to ourselves that it was whack. So, in many words all I’m saying is this, my first kiss was whack! It was all wet and nothing. I think both of us are to blame although he’d kissed other people before me. But I’m not pointing any fingers here.

Anyway, that’s exactly how I remember my first kiss. It was whack, but I didn’t mind because I didn’t know there was better then. We still stayed together after that so that incident was no big deal for us. Looking back, I realize that I underestimated that moment because well, it was my first kiss. I can’t change that and like all firsts, I’ll always remember it.

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Jun 24, 2021

Ati he was short and smelly anyways 😂 😂 😂.. The sprinkles of humour are so good ✨ 💕


May 26, 2021

Absolutely amazing 🌹


Jan 29, 2021

😂🤒ata for me,there were no fireworks 💔😂but as you've said,we need to cut down on the expectations,sio kama kwa movies😓😂


Jan 29, 2021

😍 amazing ✨👌

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