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  • Writer's picturePAULINE OMONDI

PERSISTENCE VS LIFE. Fight the demon darling!

Updated: Sep 13, 2019

Do you ever get up and something inside tells you to continue sleeping? That unheard voice that only communicates to the inner you and to some points that voice is always stronger than you. Apparently, you are not alone. Majority of us if not all of us go through this every single day . However, the attitude must change, the perception must be buried we all have a duty to be responsible in different fields.

The lifestyle we desire is often not what we get, the houses we wish for, the cars, the life partners, the type of neighbors we get might not be whom we imagined before moving in to the neighborhood, however at the end of the day we all have to survive, right? My mother termed persistence as the only key to glory, a key that cannot be duplicated, one that no one can steal from you, and a valid example she gave me is about the decision of becoming a parent.

Mama viewed women as the most persistent beings alive. They go through a terrible pain while bringing life to earth yet two years down the line they will still gladly bring another life without complaints. They will celebrate the agony they went through with broad smiles. They overlook the unbearable pain of labor, now this is what I term as persistence.

Lifestyle is a way in which people live. Life has its own terms; my terms may not be your terms. How I view life may not be the way my co-partners Elizabeth and Sharon view it. And this is where the aspect of perseverance comes in. Every day, on social media, magazines, gazettes among other platforms we hear and read of stories concerning individuals who have committed suicide because they gave up in life. People have closed businesses due to lack of perseverance. Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more rewarding than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

Pauline posing to her success after regaining her business

When I started a business that deals with cosmetics immediately after leaving high school, I had high hopes of making profits. easy income to me meant an easy life. But what someone didn’t tell me is that buying the products is one and getting the people to buy the product is itself a task. Two months into the business I had not made profit. All that came in were consumed in expenses and stock addition. A naive girl I was I gave up and offered to sell the goods at throw away price just to regain the capital I had invested in the business. I felt like a failure, I did not understand how people in the same industry as I thrived so well despite the stiff competition. After joining university, I decided to revive the business but this time with an open mind. Ready for whatever comes. It took me six months to clear my first stock of goods and again at least the trust of about ten customers who preferred my products.

Every day I live with the thought that probably I would be flying my success to the sky had I not given up in my first attempt. My ten customers could have been sixty by now, my legacy could be among the shining ones if ranked with my peers, but I lacked persistence. Gave up too easily and opted out of the struggle something. We all have our weaknesses but the greatest being on earth is he who identifies their strengths as well. Your strength is the only weapon you could use to purchase the priceless commodity id persistence. Let’s be persistent and rely on our strengths to face life’s challenges. Be ready to overcome the demon of faint heat.

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Sep 13, 2019

An article worth reading.


Sep 13, 2019

I can be your witness on this... Viva girl.

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