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  • Writer's picturenjerisharon


In today’s society,we live in a potpourri of different cultures,people from all walks of life,quite literally,and people with different backgrounds.With that in mind,it is only fair to say that most information put out there may be termed as demeaning to some cultures,and make some communities may feel excluded.So how do you remedy this problems? 1.BE MORE INTENTIONAL.

Your main goal is to ensure that you reflect and relate to as many kinds of people in the media as possible.For the longest time in the 50’s the beauty and cosmetics industry was blind to this.In the states,where there are very many diverse cultures,this industry represented only the whites.

The black community felt alienated,as the only beauty products out there were made for the caucasian with fair skin and lanky hair.There was no product that would blend with the rich dark skin of the African American. With time we have seen a lot of progress as there are a plethora of shades to choose from,depending on preference and skin tone.


In representing a minority community,it would be more effective if you worked with the clients and members of the splinter group.Therefore,in a case where you are targeting people with disability,you should have a differently abled person carry your campaign and your message.

In Kenya,the Vice president of The Albinism Society of Kenya is Isaac Mwaura,an albino.This is appropriate because he can tell the story of having the skin condition and the stigma it carries,but also be a picture of hope that it is possible to beat the odds. 3.HAVE A STRONG SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE Social media is an effective tool to be inclusive of all communities and all diverse cultures.If your target is to reach the marginalized people,you should include stories and photographs of alike people on your social media platform,i.e Instagram and Facebook.Also,ensure that your b-roll is diverse even though your target market is the general audience. The fashion industry has come a long way in doing so,and we have to acknowledge the change that has come along with it.In the 50’s the ideal woman was perceived to be lean,tall,and fairly skinned.Thinking about it now,I am baffled by the blatant ignorance this whole ideology was driven,and how much brainwashing this did to our society. Many steps have been taken to change such perceptions,and now runways are strutted by confident women of colour,plus size women and cross dressers.

The media is trying to reshape the narrative by including all women,not those of the predominant race and those hogging our screens and magazines. Kim Kardashian,an esteemed fashion Icon in relaesing her fashion line @skims,has really embraced diversity.On her social media page,all trypes of women are included showing she is making clothes for all women.

4.UTILIZE DIVERSE EXPERTS IN THE FIELD AS JUST EXPERTS. Having the awareness that the media needs to make everyone feel included will result to some ingenuity of some kind.For example,watching contemporary movies,one is concious of the fact that some characters are just a diversity prop.That is a can of worms I am unwilling to open but it is also the truth. Therefore,we should ensure that we look upon people of diverse cultures for their expertise,not simply because they are for example black,and that you need a black person on your panel. Overall be more purposeful in designing your message to be sensitive to the differences of other people.Open yourself up to diversity,despite how you may feel about them,because remember,this is not about you.

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