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  • Writer's picturenjerisharon


They are agile,relaxed, nonchalant, four legged creatures that have taken over the internet with their delightful feline nature.Their prolific pictures on the internet have got people who could barely chance a glance to a feline of any form,deeming them unhygienic,allergy causing and if they behold the black hue,satan’s little helper,into ardent ailurophics.Though some of these opinions may be based off a logical premise,in the case where interaction results into maniac episodes of uncontrollable sneezing ,or just sheer phobia,the thoughts are not the same when it comes to cats on the internet. Content creation revolving cats has been the buzz lately.Visits to many Instagram profiles will confirm this,backed up by the millions of memes about these rather unacquainted creatures.The craze has had specific cats gain fame from the sudden exposure by the internet,an example being Grumpy Cat,whose demise was received somberly by the world. Not forgetting Smudge the Cat.

So since cats are so popular,what can they teach us when it comes to strategic communication in PR? CONNECT HISTORICAL THEMES TO YOUR CONTENT CREATION

Though most tends in our era are fleeting and tend to have the lifespan of your everyday insect,cats are here to remind us that some trends never die.Psychosocial researchers have evidence dating back to the ninth century proving that humans’ fascination with cats is not another new ephemeral object for millenials to indulge and discard after the apparent appeal wears off,or another object peak their interest.This also means that cats will never run out of style. Therefore,try to incorporate old media and new media,this reminds your audience of what they like in the first place,and create familiarisation to people who are usually opposed to new products. CATS AND COMMUNITY BUILDING

They sleep and purr,and induce oohs and aahs from visitors and strangers,some have sass,some are kind,some hate Mondays and eat all your food like the popular fictional Garfield,but one thing they all have in common,they build communities.It may not look like it when their quintisential day entails,blood curdling unwarranted stares(as if they are planning your death)pooping in places they shouldn’t and attempting and failing epicly to catch birds,but as you vigorously nod your head to the truth that is my article,you prove my point.

Cats are relatable animals.Everyone has an experience relating to cats.Heck my screensaver is a hazel-nut brown eyed beauty staring whimsically at some mystical smoke emanating from a mug of hot beverage.You the reader,thought of that nuisance of a cat belonging to your neighbour that is always treading foot prints on that pristine couch you just bought. The bottomline is,cats bring people from all walks of life together.


As cats are relatable animals,it is easier for humans to project their embarasing tendencies on cats,thus,they won’t be as embarasing.I am pretty sure cats have a scathing remark to this and in a dystopian alternate universe they’d unequivocally make us pay for these and other offences but we move on,regardless.Cats tend to narrow the psychological distance,thus making someone overseas relate to another person in Africa. Therefore,if you want to appear familiar and relatable to your audience,let a cat help you out a bit.

CATS AND DIVERSITY The industrial revolution,the hallmark of humans’ attempt to civilization,has resulted in the world being closer,since geographical distance is no longer a hindrance to interaction.These concept has received the appealage,a global village.The global village contains people from all walks of life,literally.From people of the most diverse colours,races and origins,to the most diverse ideologies and beliefs,better be sure that opinions are going to clash. But do we raid our arsenals with animal-driven gait and withdraw weapons of all sorts to create war,and bloodshed just because @Anne6969 of Michigan doesn’t think an African American should yield an Oscar?No,we share a video of that memorable cat trying to climb out of a bathtub and furr-get about it.Pun intended. So today,before you hit that emasiated stray cat with Messi-like precision,remember that the sanity of the world,could possibly depend on it.

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