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  • Writer's picturePAULINE OMONDI

The Power of Employee Motivation

When a business entity fails to produce the targeted profit or to meet their goals, CEO responsible often search for the bigger picture ignoring the basic probability of the main course. Ask yourself as an employer or employee how often have you been appreciated at your workstation and what impact did it have on your output, similarly to the employers how is your relationship with your in house stake holders?

Employee recognition is the timely informal or formal acknowledgment of person’s or team’s behavior, effort or business results that support the organization and values.

Praise and recognition are essential to an outstanding workplace. People want to be respected and valued by others for their contribution. Everyone feels the need to be recognized as an individual or member of a group and to feel a sense of achievement for work well done or even for a valiant effort. Everyone wants a ‘pat on the back’ to make them feel. Unfortunately, this is the point most organization miss to give credit to. the comments on this video by Joe Mull on how bosses demoralize workers should be an eye opener to all employers. Do employers really have this first hand information or do they manage their subjects in denial of it.

There are two aspects to employee recognition:

The first aspect is to see, identify or realize an opportunity to praise someone. If you are not in a receptive frame of mind you can easily pass over many such opportunities. This happens all too frequently.

The other aspect of employee recognition is, of course, the physical act of doing something to acknowledge and praise people for their good work. Tokens at the end of every work year could motivate your employees.

Let us look at the bigger picture. Without happy employees I highly doubt if the clients can be happy. Unhappy clients is already an indication of business failure. Employee recognition has a huge communication component! Recognizing people for their good work sends an extremely powerful message to the recipient, their work team and other employees through the grapevine and formal communication channels. Employee recognition is therefore a potent communication technique. A Cicero in 2015 found that employees self-reported that their own drivers of great work were:

How then does this relate to the practice of public relation many organizations turn to PR agencies to solve their company issues, create brands among others. However, the biggest brand creators are the in house stakeholders. The immediate persons of contact in the company/ organization, the employees. A PR practitioner may try to build the brand, present the organization in a way that its flaws are invisible. However, with unsatisfied employees all this effort would not have meaning. The first step should always be to keep the in house in order before sourcing for the external causes of any organization.

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