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  • Writer's picturenjerisharon


Trolls.This appealage is for those few members of society who are opinionated,but too cowardly to own their notions so they hide their identities behind clichèd monikers,and unrevealing profile pictures.They opine their ideas in the most grating ways,and you will need skin tougher than the literal troll not to get irked by their comments.No matter how good a product,or how ground-breaking an ideology,or how inspiring a personality,trolls will follow.They say any publicity is good publicity.Meaning trolls are not that bad.In fact,trolls are potential customers,and they can give constructive feedback,even though mangled in a string of uncalled for obscenities. So what do we do when a campaign or a media personality is bombarded by these galling monsters of the internet? SLIDE INTO THEIR DMS

No,it is not to gauge nuptial prospects,it is all about getting out of the public eye.Some of these comments are usually on public platforms,especially in comments sections where the organization relies on constructive feedback. Sliding in their dm is better than reacting publicly,for this only get more people involved,which usually does not help the situation. For some,this is not always the best solution.If this happens,hide them.In most cases they do not know they are hidden. This way,they can be the only audience to their malice which,well,serves them right.

DO NOT FEED THEM. Trolls are usually self-loathing individuals,who find delight in projecting that self hate on the internet.Most of the time they are bored out of their minds,after spending hours of playing video games and failing at life.The thing with trolls is,do not engage them.They are like a stray cat that you feed.They will keep coming back for more.

The best medicine for them is to ignore ,and enjoy a mental picture of them,sad,in their mother’s basement,refreshing the comment section waiting for a response and validation that will never come. ANY PUBLICITY IS GOOD PUBLICITY. Are you being trolled?Good for you.This means that you have an audience and all your online chatter has an audience.Most of the time while scrolling through the internet,and you will find one person,who is so strongly opposed to a product,that you decide to investigate the object of such ill-feeling.See what just happened?You discovered a new product,and now it is up to you to decide whether it is good or bad.

Bottom line is,trolls can be a good thing sometimes.Blocking them might seem like a good idea,but you could also be blocking out some legitimate traffic and potential customers. EMBRACE THE TROLLS Do not spend time pondering on who has the time to write,sometimes clever,well thought out but detrimental comments.We have established that some people have the time.So just like the celebrities on Jimmy Fallon,the only way to win over these ogres is to laugh about it.

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